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The following market statistics dashboards are part of the Market Stats Member Portal, a member benefit by WVMLS.

  • Free to all members!

  • Includes analytics, graphs, and charts based on your LOCAL market

  • Easy to use and share!


The Market Infographic provides a high-level one-month summary. This dashboard is filtered for residences under .5 acre in Marion, Linn, Benton, and Polk counties.

Start generating you're own Market Infographic Dashboards!

  • Filtered to the area of your client's listing or interest

  • Have the dashboard right in front of you as you make that call and pick your favorite statistic to share

  • Up your marketing game, and increase your social media engagement with market stats dashboards


The Market Review dashboard is a great one-page summary of the local market, providing 13-month trends for eight key metrics. This dashboard is filtered for residences under .5 acre in Marion, Linn, Benton, and Polk counties.

Start generating you're own Market Review Dashboards!

  • Filtered to the area of your client's listing or interest

  • Have the dashboard right in front of you as you make that call and pick your favorite statistic to share

  • Up your marketing game, and increase your social media engagement with market stats dashboards


General FAQs

Question of the Week: Can I use the square footage reported by the CubiCasa app on my listing?

Answer: As a risk management “best practice,” we always suggest using what’s in the county record. However, there are times when that doesn’t represent the property best. As a member-owned MLS, we want to leave this choice up to you and your seller!

Use these tips if you DO decide to use the CubiCasa square footage in your listing:

1) For Source of Sq Feet field, choose Fee

2) In the PUBLIC remarks, add verbiage such as “County states x Sq Ft. Buyer to do due diligence on actual Sq Ft.”

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