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Follow these three simple steps to ensure your listing is syndicated (or not):

1) Once logged into Paragon, click on Listings (in the top navigation) then click Listings (under the header Maintain).

2) Select the Listing from the spreadsheet you'd like to maintain.

3) When inside the listing information it will automatically have the Standard container open, scroll down and find the MLS & Admin Container and expand it. In the field IDX Include there will be a value of Yes or No. Yes, means this listing will be syndicated. No, means this listing will not be syndicated.

Terms in this blog post:

Syndicated - The listing is syndicated (sent) out to websites for advertising/display.

IDX - Internet Data Exchange ("IDX"). Under IDX, brokers exchange consent to display each other’s listings on participants’ websites and using applications for mobile devices that participants control.

The following market statistics dashboards are part of the Market Stats Member Portal, a member benefit by WVMLS.

  • Free to all members!

  • Includes analytics, graphs, and charts based on your LOCAL market

  • Easy to use and share!


The Market Infographic provides a high-level one-month summary. This dashboard is filtered for residences under .5 acre in Marion, Linn, Benton, and Polk counties.

Start generating you're own Market Infographic Dashboards!

  • Filtered to the area of your client's listing or interest

  • Have the dashboard right in front of you as you make that call and pick your favorite statistic to share

  • Up your marketing game, and increase your social media engagement with market stats dashboards


The Market Review dashboard is a great one-page summary of the local market, providing 13-month trends for eight key metrics. This dashboard is filtered for residences under .5 acre in Marion, Linn, Benton, and Polk counties.

Start generating you're own Market Review Dashboards!

  • Filtered to the area of your client's listing or interest

  • Have the dashboard right in front of you as you make that call and pick your favorite statistic to share

  • Up your marketing game, and increase your social media engagement with market stats dashboards


General FAQs

It is important to get as much visibility on your listing as possible for your client. This simple guide will show how to share your listing to any social media platform.

Step 1: Login to Paragon and enter your listing's MLS # in the Power Search at the top (pictured below), this will then cause a drop down with the results to appear, click on your listing to go to it's full detail.

Step 2: Above the primary image in the full detail is a navigation bar. The fourth option within this navigation bar is "Share" hovering on it will open a dropdown where you can then select CollabLink Share (pictured below).

Step 3: This will then open a pop up window where you can copy the CollabLink (pictured below). Once copied you can paste this into your social media post!

If you have any questions regarding this process please feel free to call us @ (503) 399-8657 or email

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